Cavan Bikefest and Cycle Hub Launch
Date: Saturday 20th May
Location: Cavan Leisure Centre (Lower Car Parks)
Time: 10am-2pm
Free entry/Open event
What to Expect:
Cycling stunts/wheelie shows
Wattbike challenges
E-Bike tasters sessions
Balance Bike activities
Kids Bikefest (pre-registration essential)
* Children with a disability: 10-10.30am. Book Here
* Children aged 5-8 years: 10.30-11am. Book Here
* Children aged 9+ years: 11am-12pm. Book Here
Kids relay courses: 12pm-2pm (recommend to bring your own bikes and helmets, limited amount will be available on the day)
Community Bike Rides:
Ride 3: (Sunday 21st May 12pm); More Info/Sign-Up: Killeshandra Loop | Community Bike Rides
Bike safety checks
Turbo trainer demonstrations,
Cavan Cycle Club information stands
Cycle To Work Information Talk
Tea/Coffee Dock
Ice-cream station
Kids entertainment
Goodie bags and more
For further information or queries please contact
Please Note: Parking may be limited on the day
Note: Cavan Cycle Hub is an initiative funded by Sport Ireland through the Dormant Accounts Fund. The aim for the Hub is to act as a base for cycling programmes and training courses throughout the county and is a long-term project for Cycling Ireland, Cavan Sports Partnership and Cavan Cycling Clubs to ensure sustainability and growth of cycling in Cavan.
