KEEP WELL National Campaign
KEEP WELL Campaign
Government has launched "KEEP WELL" Campaign
- Click here to go to Sport Ireland website to view campaign
- to view Cavan Sports Partnership programmes occuring now, click here
- to view details of Local Providers providing online exercise, click here

Below is National Be Active Day details and resources
Cavan Sports Partnership is one of 29 Local Sports Partnerships in the country who are coming together to celebrate a day of physical activity and sport and want you to join in and be active.
The network of Local Sports Partnerships have developed a printable list of games and activities to give you some inspiration, all of which are fully adaptive for people of all abilities and skill levels. With suggestions to make the games harder or easier, there is a game for everyone. Simply print out the games or display them on your phone and be active. Or why not get creative and create your own games, activities or challenges? Scroll down to view these resources.
These activities are simple and can be done indoors, in your garden or local park! National BeActive Day resources are a fun and inclusive way of getting in your daily physical activity, so get the whole family involved it’s for everyone, the young and the young at heart! 😊
Available Resources:
Downloadable Booklet :
